SupportFAQ Center >  Why can't I load the video file?

Why can't I load the video file

FAQ for the following product:

EaseFab DVD Creator | EaseFab DVD Creator for Mac

Before trying to load a video, ensure that the format that your file is in one that is supported by our software. It is also recommended that you double check that the file works on your computer before uploading the file into the software. The link below will allow you to find out if your video is supported:

If your video format is listed as supported, and you are still encountering difficulty, there may be a special codec that is in the video. For these situations you may want to try a different product of ours, EaseFab Video Converter, to convert the file and then burn it.

If you are still experiencing difficulty, contact us with the video information, and a detailed description of what you experienced so that we can offer further assistance.

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