SupportFAQ Center >  What is the solution for the prompt "not enough space on the disc"?

What is the solution for the prompt "not enough space on the disc"?

FAQ for the following product:

EaseFab DVD Creator | EaseFab DVD Creator for Mac

When burning a video to a disc, the quality of the video will often dictate the size of the final burned version. There are five options available, High Quality which will maintain the best video quality, however will require the most space. Normal Quality which will still maintain a decent video quality, and will lower the size of your file, and finally Fit to disc, which will give you the smallest file size while sacrificing quality of the video.

The standard types of DVD’s are DVD 5 which can hold 4.7GB of data, and DVD 9 which is able to hold 8.5GB of data. If the file size is too large to fit on the DVD 5 video, or you want to burn it with the highest quality, it is recommended that you use a DVD 9 disc. The alternative would be to trim the video into two parts and then burn the videos to two discs.

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